Saya mengikuti Java Jazz festival yang diadakan pada tanggal 1 Maret 2013. Java Jazz adalah acara musik yang diadakan setiap Tahun dan mengundang banyak penyanyi Jazz dari Manca Negara. Penyanyi yang saya tonton dari Manca Negara pada hari Jumat antara lain adalah Jimmy Cliff, David Helbock, Jose James, Cindy Bernadette, etc. dan artis lokal yang tampil pada hari itu antara lain adalah Maliq, Raisa, Clvin Jeremy, RAN, etc. 

Secara pribadi, acara ini sangat bagus dan penampilan dari artis luar negeri juga sangat memukaukan. 


Acara nya sangat rapi tetapi mungkin kurang terkoordinasi dari panitia dikarenakan arena yang terlalu luas, waktu konser yang sampai diatas jam 12 malam, juga jam yang ngaret yang menjadi ciri khas acara Indonesia.

Untuk acara selanjutnya mungkin harus lebih diperbaiki, tetapi sejauh ini sudah sangat bagus dari segi pemilihan artis-artis juga penampilan lokal musisi Indonesia.


Field Trip Creative and Innovation


Pada hari selasa beberapa Minggu yang lalu, saya dan bersama teman-teman saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengunjungi sebuah Production House Kepomong Gendut yang berada di jalan Bali No.1 Bandung. tempat ini didirikan oleh Samaria Simanjuntak lulusan Arsitek ITB. Samaria membuat production house karena merasa arsitek bukanlah yang terbaik untuk jalan hidupnya dan carirnya.

Kepompong Gendut masih termasuk perusahaan start-up dan produksi film-nya juga masih Indie. beberapa karya nya seperti iklan, video musik, dan film pendek sudah bisa diancungi jempol karena kerapihan dan ide cerita-nya. contoh karya nyata dari production house ini adalah “Demi Ucok” dan Cin(t)a. 



Sebagai mahasiswa ITB, kita pasti sudah familiar dengan film Cin(t)a  karena mengambil lokasi di kampus dan dengan cerita yang menyentuh hati. Tujuan kami dalam mengunjung production house ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana membuat iklan sebuah produk jasa yang menarik. Production house ini sendiri sudah membuat iklan untuk Google Indonesia. di penghujung acara, kami diperbolehkan untuk melihat ke studio editing, cukum comfortable untuk sebuah kantor rumahan. Project yang sedang dikerjakan oleh Kepompong Gendut sekarang adalah film science-fiction yang akan ditayangkan tahun 2014.

Sukses dan tetaplah berkarya Kepompong Gendut!!



Brigtspot adalah event tahunan yang diadakan di suatu mal di Jakarta. tujuan acara ini adlah menampung karya-karya berupa seni dan fashion anak muda ke suatu wadah yaitu “BRIGHSPOT” menurut saya, kelebihan acara ini adalah mereka yang pertama dibuat jadi Brighspot disebut trendsetter di Indonesia. acara ini mempunyai bagian culiner juga dan bagian clothing/fahion/accessories. Brightspot juga mempunya store yang dibuka setiap hari di Pasific Place dan akan membuka cabang baru di Pondok Indah Mall 2, bernama THE GOODS DEBT.


Brighspot yang terakhir di adakan di Grand Indonesia dengan target pengunjung sampai 57,000 menurut data yang kami dapatkan dan sangat jauh sekali dari acara Brighspot pertama yang hanya mendatangkan sekitar 5,000 pengunjung.

Menurut saya, acara ini sangat kreatif dari segi tema dan design acara ini sendiri. para panitia-nya juga merupakan anak-anak muda sehingga membuat sebuah komunitas yang akan mempunyai jangka panjang yang lama. dibawah ini adalah design BrightSpot.


saat saya mengunjungi tempatnya, acara ini sangat padat oleh pengunjung dan tenant nya pun banyak sekali. teraturnya dari acara ini adalah untuk bagian lelaki dan perempuan dipisah sehingga memudahkan untuk mencari barang. 

Saran saya secara pribadi untuk acara ini adalah dibuat sesuatu yang lebih atau khas, karena sudah banyak acara-acara lain yang mengikuti acara ini sehingga terlihat membosankan. mungkin diadakan rubrik games atau apa yang dapat menambah kekhasan acara brightspot sendiri. Terima Kasih and have a great day!!


A Guide For Startup & Small Business

Hai everyone!! i wil review about and when i first saw the website, this website is full of article that could help us as a new entrepreneur. They divide their website into 5 section,

1. News and Trends

2. Startup Basics

3. Money and Finance

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Technology Solutions

Basically, every section have a different article. if we choose news and trens, it will come up a bunch of article about the trend in 2012 or 2013 and if we choose startup basics, it will show us about how to be an entrepreneur, tips and tricks, etc.


in my opinion, this website is very helpful for everyone not just for small business and startup because they tell us according to the fact that happen in the field or real world. the article not just give us a trick bul also tells us a true story from an entrepreneur how they can achieve their career until success.

this website is great, helpful, and educated. so if you want learn more, just click


Have a great day!!!


What is trend? Trend is a pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on graph. but what is trend in fashion? trend in fashion always change, if you want to work in fashion industry you must know what will be a future trend.

today, i review about!! and i just know that this website tell you everything for the upcoming trend in fashion world. is an online fashion and trend forecasting agency based in London, internationally renowned for its directional trend analysis and forecasts. Clients choose them for their expertise in accurately predicting fashion and lifestyle trends from season to season, and for them ability to help their clients easily see how trends can be translated into their own designs and creations.


I thing this website is amazing, we can log in to be a member and they will update the trend through our email id, they also tell us about upcoming event abour trend such as the upcoming color that will be a trend, or a pattern, etc.


the another good thing about is they have an apps which we can download to our smarphone or tablet. in my opinion, this website is fit to anyone that search for an information about trend in fashion. Good Work!!

Converting Cultural Shifts Into Opportunities

Hai everyone! in this opportunity, i will review about and as we know, JWT is the world’s best marketing communication brand. it’s head office is in New York, JWT is also a global network with more that 200 offices (wooow) in over 90 countries.  JWT’s employees are more less 10,000 of marketing professionals.

What is opprtunities? opportunities is exploitable set of circumstances with uncertain outcome, requiring commitment of resources and involving exposure.

and what is trend?  A pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an average  tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph.

conclusion, we have to know what trend that will come and use that as an opportunities to create more money or more customer.


JWT focus on identifying changes in the global zeitgeist so as to convert shifts into compelling opportunities for brands. They have done this on behalf of multinational clients across several categories including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, and home and personal care.

My point are, JWT is a media that tells us what things that could be an opportunities for us. They post article about trends in 2013, 100 things to watch in 2013, health & happiness, American dreams in the balance, remaking “Made in China”, play as a competitive advantage, 10 ways marketers are using the second screen, Gen:Z digital in their DNA, 15 ways mobile can change our lives, fear of missing out;update, What’s cooking? trends in food, etc.

The most update article they posted is “Embracing analog : Why Physical Is Hot”


Examines the embrace of analog, what’s driving it, the ways in which it’s manifesting and what it means for marketers.

JWT is very usefull for us because it tells us how we use the opportunities of the trend through the posted article and we can download it too. as a business man/woman, we must know what will we face in the future by predicting the trends.


Hello there! untuk kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang online marketing yang sekarang sedang banyak sekali digunakan oleh hampir semua kalangan yang mempunyai bisnis.

Pertama saya akan membahas tentang video yang di post di youtube, dengan mempromosikan suatu produk lewat video dapat membuat customer lebih aware terhadap produk tersebut. seperti yang telah dijelaskan di “In fact, video is second only to feature articles as the content marketing tactic with the greatest ROI, according to eMarketer. Video allows marketers to connect with web and mobile customers, across websites, social media and apps, in order to offer targeted information in a visual and auditory format appealing to a wide audience.”

Dengan semakin mature nya sebuah perusahaan dengan sistem online yang sekarang, maka semakin banyak perusaan yang menggunakan teknik social engagement untuk menarik customer. oleh karena itu semakin banyaknya tenaga manusia yang dibutuhkan untuk advancing kegunaan dari social technologies untuk berkomunikasi maupun berkolaborasi dengan publik. At the same time, consumers’ evolving use of social platforms has lead to increased expectations for brand information discovery, consumption, and engagement.  


Dengan meningkatnya popularitas dari sebuah social media seperti instragram, pinterest, facebook news feed, google+ cover images, etc telah meningkatkan tingkat creativitas sebuah content dalam marketing itu sendiri. Not long ago, it was progressive just to create blog posts and a few social shares every day. Now so many brands have adopted a publisher model for content marketing that the web is flush with content marketing tactics.

“Brands are hard pressed to stand out with their content marketing, often taking a “more is better” approach. As David Meerman Scott says, the marketing one hundred is now the marketing ten thousand” 


Dalam hal melakukan promosi melalui social media kita juga dapat melakukan beberapa kesalahan. The goal in most businesses is pretty straightforward: increase revenue and more importantly, profits. The process to get you there is nowhere near that simple. Marketing software is meant to:

  • make it easier to increase multi-channel visibility,
  • align sales and marketing efforts (often through CRM integration),
  • reach the right people at the right place and time with enhanced targeting, and
  • help nurture and maintain relationships.

Social media juga dapat memprediksikan tentang future yang terjadi dan tentu saja berhubungan dengan manusia atau dapat dikendalikan oleh manusia, seperti trend apa yang akan terjadi di musim panas dalam hal pakaian, atau memprediksikan sebuah box office yang akan tenar, memprediksikan siapa yang akan menjadi presiden, dsb.


Kesimpulan yang dapat saya ambil adalah banyaknya social media yang berkembang sekarang membuat para perusahaan juga meningkatkan teknik marketing-nya dalam mempromosikan barang itu sendiri. dan juga dengan semakin meningkatnya pemakaian social media, maka semakin banyaknya tenaga professional yang dibutuhkan untuk memperbaharui social media yang sudah ada maupun membuat social media terbaru yang dapat populer di kalangan masyarakat.

for further information, please take a loot at

be inspired!

A Blog to Find Advice and Inspiration

Hello again!! Hari ini saya akan membuat resume tentang website yang saya baca blog ini memberikan informasi tentang blog-blog yang paling bagus dalam memberikan saran maupun inspirasi bagi para designers. Banyak sekali blog yang dapat dijadikan inspirasi bagi para designer, tetapi hanya beberapa yang memenuhi kualifikasi menurut creative opera tetapi bukan berarti blog yang lainnya tidak mempunyai kelebihan tetapi hanya blog-blog yang disebutkan di sini lebih fokus kepada target market-nya dan tidak terlalu campur aduk.


Creative Opera membagi blog menjadi 10 macam yaitu, All-in-OneInspirationTutorialsWeb Development/CodeFreelanceLogos & TypographyAdvice & DiscussionFreebies & GiveawaysBlogging, andMicro-Blogs/Links.


All in One : These blogs have a little of everything, and are a one-stop-shop for anything and everything design-related.

Inspiration : These blogs are a constant source of inspiration, with showcases and galleries galore

Tutorials : Looking to learn something? These blogs are for you!

Wen Development : These blogs focus on web design and the programming side of design, covering topics like XHTML, CSS, PHP and many more.

Freelance : These blogs are geared toward freelance designers. They are full of helpful advice and resources.

Logos and Typography : These blogs feature logo design posts, and/or focus on typography.

Advice and Discussion : These blogs dig deep with relevant posts, professional advice, thoughtful answers to timely questions, and much user discussion.

Freebies and Giveaway : These blogs are packed with free brushes, icons, patterns and more

Blogging : Blogs about blogging and blog design.

MicroBlogs/Links : These blogs gather and post design-related links from across the web

Take a look at the article at for further reading. Be creative! Be Inspired! Learn to learn more!

The Magic of Creativity

Hello everyone, now i’m gonna review about about “the magic of creativity” i read a website about creativity (, generally that website tell us about what is creative, how to be a creative individual? and that website also gave an example about creativity from logical and science side.


Now i will resume about creativity with my own version, first of all what is creative? according to Robert E. Franken, creative is the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. from my opinion, why people are motivated to be creative?? because they need for complex stimulation, need to communicate ideas and values, and need to solve provlems. Basically, human brain created for all the problem that will come to us including logical or science.

Characteristics of the creative personality according to Robert :

  1. Creative individuals have a great deal of energy, but they are also often quiet and at rest.
  2. Creative individuals tend to be smart, yet also naive at the same time.
  3. Creative individuals have a combination of playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
  4. Creative individuals alternate between imagination and fantasy ant one end, and rooted sense of reality at the other.
  5. Creative people seem to harbor opposite tendencies on the continuum between extroversion and introversion.
  6. Creative individuals are also remarkable humble and proud at the same time.
  7. Creative individuals to a certain extent escape rigid gender role stereotyping and have a tendency toward androgyny.
  8. Generally, creative people are thought to be rebellious and independent.
  9. Most creative persons are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.
  10. The openness and sensitivity of creative individuals often exposes them to suffering pain yet also a great deal of enjoyment.

It’s not simply enough to believe that you’re creative without expecting the belief to work, without having an ideal environment for the expected outcome, or any of the other five elements Byron outlined. This is typically what many creative courses and creativity coaches promote to those who participate.


“To solve a new problem, [Betty]did something she had never done before. Naturally, she must have exploited abilities she acquired doing other tasks in the past, but she showed the capacity to solve a new problem in a creative way by reorganizing her experience.”



Hai everyone! I will review about another inspiring website/blog “”. In my opinion, this website is amazing, useful, creative, and playful because this website deliver many lesson and inspiration in unique way, for example by articles and tutorials. Being creative is about finding innovative ways to solve problems, generating new ideas and finding ways to make things better to name a few. I think that creative is how people can think outside the box and breakthrough, different from others. Creative can also describe as how people begin to think about new innovation that they never thought before. Some research found that enhancing student creativity might offer benefits academically, developmentally, and emotionally. When we were child, teacher is the important role of our (as a student) creativity. They thought us about how to think creative in many ways. In kindergarten, we learned about how to solve problem in a simple game.

Word Games

Games that employ the use of visual thinking are great because they encourage visualization and the use of imagination—two important aspects of thinking creatively


Drawing Games

Certain types of drawing games can help students build on existing concepts, knowledge and ideas, another key aspect of creativity


Visual Thinking Games

These games can help children build on existing concepts, knowledge, and ideas, another key aspect of creativity. When we were child, our parents give us a paper with many dots. If we make line from that point then we will see one picture from those dots.


The conclusion is, beside formal education teacher could let students pick up their own ideas for presentation, assignments, projects, and even games itself because it could increasing the creative minds of the children